Help powerdraw 5.0
3. Open & Save Drawings
Open powerdraw first, not Visio. Open powerdraw to open your drawings . This does 2 things. It opens the add-ins tab in the tool bar, and it opens the stencils that were open when you saved it. The same applies to saving drawings. Make sure you are in powerdraw to save or save as drawing files.
Like other Microsoft programs, use the File Tab to Open, Save or Save As drawing files.
If for whatever reason you still don’t see any stencils, you may correct this and add the default powerdraw stencils to the drawing.
First open powerdraw, then open the file in question. To add stencils, click on the ‘More Shapes’ on the left, Go to the ‘Open Stencil’. Next go to the ‘powerDRAW Drawings > Defaults folder’ and select all the stencils. Click Open. Lastly, save your file.
IMPORTANT! To enable the powerdraw Add-ins Tab, you need to open powerdraw templates and drawings from within powerdraw, Opening files directly from File Explorer will not open the Add-ins Tab in the tool bar.
Also under the File Tab, open existing drawings, save drawings, save as drawing, print and more. Save graphics of the drawing page or drawings on the page ot the entire page. The Print PDF works very well in Visio.
Now, in powerdraw, open the file you save and stencil will open .
IMPORTANT! To enable the powerdraw Add-ins Tab, you need to open powerdraw templates and drawings from within powerdraw, Opening files directly from File Explorer will not open the Add-ins Tab in the tool bar.