Help powerdraw 5.0
2. Open Templates
With the elimination of the original powerdraw .pdd and .pdt (template) file formats, you now must use the Visio FILE tab on the top left of the tool bar to manage files. Your files will all now be in vsdx or vsdt (templates) file format.
Like other Microsoft programs, use the File Tab to access all your file management tasks. Open, Save, Save as for both Drawings and Drawing Templates.
Alternatively, open the My Template folder to reveal your own Custom Templates saved there. Template created by saving any drawing as a template, to this location.
Also under the File Tab, open existing drawings, save drawings, save as drawing, print and more. Save graphics of the drawing page or drawings on the page ot the entire page. The Print PDF works very well in Visio.
IMPORTANT! To enable the powerdraw Add-ins Tab, you need to open powerdraw templates and drawings from within powerdraw, Opening files directly from File Explorer will not open the Add-ins Tab in the tool bar.